Ancestral Wisdom for the Defense of Life, Mother Earth and her Natural Elements : February 12-14, 2016
Maya Ancestral Authorities from diverse Maya nations of Mexico and Guatemala convened a three-day meeting titled, Ancestral Wisdom for the Defense of Life, Mother Earth, and her Natural Elements on February 12, 13, 14 of 2016 in Chiapas, Mexico. This gathering was held in response to the urgent threats in the region due to hundreds of development projects causing environmental destrcution and violating the rights of the Maya people and Mother Earth. We joined together in dialogue to address the root causes affecting our communities and jointly declared our unity to continue addressing these threats.
Tapachula Mexico: la sabiduría ancestral de los pueblos para la defensa de la vida
El fuego sagrado inicio con la invocación por medio de una ceremonia maya y la energía que nos brinda el abuelo Q'anil que se presenta en el germen de la vida, la creatividad y el principio de la unidad del mundo. Con la invocación ante este nahual dio inicio el "Encuentro de autoridades ancestrales y lideres comunitarios de los países Guatemala y Mexico" en la ciudad de Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico.
Concesionado a minas e hidroeléctricas, 15% de territorio chiapaneco
Tapachula - luego del impacto ambiental adverso y el abuso de los bienes naturales por parte de empresas que desequilibran el medio ambiente a traves de la mineria, las hidroelectricas, deforestacion de bosques y selvas, uso irracional y contaminacion de agua: asi como la extincion de especies en la flora y la funa; alrededro de 50 dirignetes de comunidades indigenas de Mexico y Guatemala se reuniran en esta ciudad parar discernir sobre las propuesta y acciones a efectuar para el rescate de la Madre Tierra los dias 12, 13, 14 de Febrerro.
Maya Nations call for the protection and defense of Mother Earth
Tapachula, Chiapas, Mexico - Last week Maya Ancestral Authorities from diverse Maya nations of Mexico and Guatemala convened a three-day meeting title, Ancestral Wisdom for the Defense of Life, Mother Earth and her Natural Elements from February 12-14. The gathering is in response to the threats in the region due to the hundreds of development projects cuasing environmental destrucion and violating the rights of the Maya peoples and Mother Earth. This meeting comes just days before Pope Francis will arrive in Chiapas, Mexico. His visit will include meeting with indigenous peoples to hear their concerns regarding their human rights and protection of Mother Earth. In his Encyclical, the Pope called for indigenous peoples to be the "principle dialogue partners especially when large projects on their lands are proposed."